CoC Resource List

Here is a very small selection of Code of Conduct resources that I’ve found related to open source projects and their communities. There are plenty of other good sources out there - I’d love to feature any that are widely-read and respected in being a positive influence on project conduct.

Github's Open Source CoC Guide

A high-level overview about the process for projects looking to adopt and enforce a CoC.

Contributor Covenant (see also)

This is a solidly developed and popular CoC that includes guides and tools for adding it to your project. It’s now used as the Linux Kernel’s CoC among many other projects.


Comprehensive resource for organizers of conferences and events to support and encourage diversity and inclusion at those events, with specific suggestions and why they’re important.

CHAOSS Overview of DEI Metrics And Impacts

A broad-ranging overview of the state of DEI policies, measurements, and metrics across various open source communities.

All In Open Source

Multi-corporate letd site promoting diversity and includion in various open source spaces.

Geek Feminism List of Resources (see also)

The Geek Feminism community has a lot of information about making diverse communities feel comfortable, as well as a wide array of articles about CoCs, both for communities and events.

Ashe Dryden FAQ on CoCs

Ashe is a diversity and inclusion consultant, and has a detailed FAQ and lists of other useful resources.

Code of Conduct in Open Source Projects (Paper)

This 2017 scholarly article researched the CoCs used by a variety of open source projects, along with analyzing which core CoCs were used where.

CoC Research Spreadsheet

Research project reviewing project CoCs and issues reported.

CoC Conductor tool

GitHub tool that auto-detects common kinds of CoCs in project repos.

Ada Initiative

A (now closed) non-profit that accelerated many of the discussions around CoCs in open source and other online spaces.

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